Persons with disabilities
Since you are already here, you seek for ways to find your place in the job market! By completing this training material you will be able to discover who you really are and what you are interested in, you will track your career path and you will learn how to promote your skills and the value in you, in order to acquire your dream job!
Introduction & Guidelines
What is it all about?
This is the intriguing dual objective of Beyond Inclusion project:
Trigger a disability inclusive SMEs mindset, where disability is a benefit.
Equip persons with disabilities with the appropriate tools, practices and soft skills orientation, as well as with a methodology on how to best demonstrate their unique skills in a professional context or when seeking for a job.
Click the video in order to find out how to navigate through the platform:
The training material is presented along 4 Modules. Each Module constitutes of Units and at the end of each Unit you can test the knowledge you have acquired by answering two assignments.
Learning Outcomes:
By completing Module 1, you will be able to:
- Develop your life skills further
- Identify your personality traits using the 5-factor model
- Delve into your personality traits
- Make good use of your personality traits when in search for a job
- Reflect on your personal values and discover what is important to you
At the end of Module 2 you will learn:
- Adapt the work environment for the inclusion of persons with disabilities
- Apply teleworking as an alternative form of employment, understanding pros and cons
- Apply inclusive practices in your company, exploring training programmes for employers
By completing Module 2 you will be able to:
- Read between the lines when checking on a job description
- Do job-matching
- Understand the importance of networking and references
- Make direct contact with the employer
- Apply online
- Use Social Media for acquiring a job
- Understand how you can be assisted by Career Agencies of Public Employment Services
- Present yourself and make an impression in job fairs
- Discover your career path
By completing Module 3 you will be able to:
- Promote the value in you and understand what motivates you
- Improve your self-awareness, your disability awareness and thus, your self-advocacy
- Enhance your presentation skills to market yourself, your skills and experience
- Strengthen your image and reputation as a professional in the job market
- Find about the tools and strategies you need to improve your chances – CV, cover letter and interview
By completing Module 4 you will be able to:
- Learn about skills – soft skills and hard skills beyond the disability restrictions
- Identify and present your job-related skills and talents
Increase your awareness about your strengths and weaknesses
- Learn how to deal with stereotypes and the expectations of others
- Become more open about your disability to employers and peers
General Tips:
Be sincere to yourself about who you are and what you want.
It is always important to know HOW to look for a job – there are many ways to find one effectively and efficiently.
You are unique! With the right methodology you will be able to show it and promote the value in you.
Discover your skills beyond your disability and get your dream job!
Before entering the platform you can try out the Beyond Inclusion Assessment, available in English, Romanian or Spanish, to find out more about your current strengths and weaknesses in regard to your personality and skill set.
The assessment evaluates 15 of the most important behavioral traits as identified within the project from Extraversion to Resilience, Team Work or Positive Thinking.
Please keep in mind that the current assessment offers you a small glimpse about your characteristics and behavioural patterns in the working environment and you can use your results to better tailor your learning experience on our platform and concentrate on those aspects that need more focus on your part.
Our Management and Interview reports, while not tailored for a specific role, can provide you additional tips to facilitate your personal development from the perspective of an employer or interview questions examples to know what to expect.
Before starting your assessment don’t forget to select your preferred language and please allow us up to 48 hours for sending you your results.